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Alumnus Kory Kowalski, 2006

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

I had the privilege of attending Park Christian School from Kindergarten through 12th grade. I graduated in 2006 and pursued a degree in Pharmacy from NDSU. I graduated in 2012 from NDSU and currently practice as a pharmacist at Linson Pharmacy in Fargo, ND. I married my wife Rochelle (Rogness) in 2011, and we have three beautiful children - Hunter (5), Grace(3), and Harrison (1).

The request to write this article is quite timely. I found myself walking through the doors of my former school a few weeks ago holding the hand of my oldest son. We were taking Hunter to Kindergarten roundup to explore what this next year will look like for him. I quickly became flooded with emotions and memories as I walked back into the school that I called home for 13 years of my life. I could hardly believe that I was guiding my own son into the same classroom that I walked into as a kindergartner over 25 years ago. As we walked down the elementary hallway to the new addition, I was naming every one of my old teacher’s classrooms (Ms. Headland, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Schaefer, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Sivertson, Mrs. Frank). I can vividly remember memories from each one of those amazing individuals that daily prayed for me, taught me, and encouraged me into the follower of Jesus I am today.

We sat in the library as Mr. Nellermoe talked to us parents about the current culture and heartbeat of Park. I have always appreciated my time at Park, but it really sunk in again while sitting there how big of an impact this school has had on my life. I was encouraged to think about how much of an impact it is going to have on the lives of my children in the years to come. Many things have changed at Park over the years, but the one thing that has remained constant is the primary focus of keeping Christ at the center of everything. I find great comfort in knowing that my kids are going to be lifted up in prayer by teachers and staff on a daily basis as we enter this next season of life. I am encouraged that the academic standards for excellence remain strong as they teach and mold our future generations.

Life is filled with so many different seasons. Some of those seasons are filled with joyful memories and others are filled with sad and challenging memories. I can honestly say that my season of attending Park Christian was one of the most important and joyful seasons of my life. It has equipped me in ways beyond my comprehension or understanding. I would not be the man that I am today if it weren’t for the shaping and molding that happened in my life while at Park for 13 years.

I recently finished leading a men’s Bible study on the book of James at my church. I honestly haven’t done an in-depth study of James since my junior year of high school when Mr. Smithson had us memorize the entire book! I was amazed at how much of God’s Word that was hidden in my heart from 14 years ago came back to me as I studied the book of James with these men. We are all called to something in life. I have been called to be a husband, dad,son, brother, friend, pharmacist, leader, and ultimately a follower of Jesus. Whether I am teaching a patient about the side effects of their new anti-coagulant or playing with my children, I am called to love people where they are at and point them to Jesus. I am so thankful that Park has had an influence on each one of those areas of my life. My prayer is that Park would continue to seek the Lord as they move forward in equipping our children to think biblically, live wisely, and serve faithfully!

Kory, Rochelle, Hunter, Grace, and Harrison Kowalski

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020




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